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Detection of Hydrogen Sulphide

Detection of Hydrogen Sulphide Who would not know the smell of rotten eggs or stink bombs? The evil smell of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is detected by the human nose even in very small concentrations. As little as 20 ppb will be detected by an average human nose. Why then buy a gas detector for hydrogen sulphide? Hydrogen sulphide is no [...]

Manuals German

Manuals in German Statox 560 Statox 560 kurz Statox 560 Sonnenschutz Statox, 560 Rohrmontage Statox 503 Control Modul Statox 503 Control Modul kurz Statox 503 Programme Statox 503 Anschlüsse Monitox Plus Statox_4120 Statox 505 Statox 502 Statox 502 kurz Statox 502 Programmliste Statox 502 Anschüsse Statox 501 Statox 501 Sammelalarm Statox 501 Programme Statox 501 Anschlüsse Statox 501 Messköpfe brennbare [...]

Leak Detector XP-702III

Locating leakages of toxic gases and cooling agents Leak detector XP-702III The XP-702III is the perfect tool locating gas leaks. No pollution by foam, 20 times more sensitive than soap foam! Its sensor consists of a semiconductor sensor combined with a catalytic sensor. It is very sensitive and responds very fast to almost any gas. Just move the probe along [...]

Portable Gas Detectors

Portable Instruments Monitox This personal gas monitor for toxic gases provides maximum safety with the optional 10 second gas bump test. Leak Detector Gas generator The Compur gas generator bump tests personal gas detectors with gas in only 10 seconds. [...]

Carbon Monoxide gas detection

Carbon Monoxide gas detectors from Compur Monitors safe and reliable. Carbon oxide or or carbon monoxide is produced by incomplete combustion of coal or hydrocarbons. This may happen, if there is not enough oxygen for a complete combustion. The chemical formula is CO. This gas is called the „silent killer“ because humans do have any sense to detect it: It [...]

Detection hydrogen cyanide

Detection hydrogen cyanide Agatha Christie enthusiasts will well know this substance as a murder weapon. Administered as potassium cyanide it reacts with the hydrogen chloride in the stomach to hydrogen cyanide and leads rapidly to a painful death. In industry of course it is not manufactured to poison anybody, but is used in the galvanic business or in order to [...]

Chlorine detection

Chlorine detection The chemical element chlorine is a molecule consisting oft wo atoms – Cl2. It is part of halogen group and is therefore extremely corrosive. This is the reason why elementary chlorine does not exist in nature. It can only be found in chlorine compounds. As a very reactive substance it is widely used in chemical industry. Consequently it [...]


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Leak Detection

Leak Detectors In addition to gas detectors, leak detectors are indispensable in order to comply with safety standards. Ideally, a good detector can find even very small leaks during a routine check a long time before a safety-relevant leak or even a large release occurs. If there is a leak, this device helps to locate it quickly. Compur Monitors [...]