Detection hydrogen cyanide
Agatha Christie enthusiasts will well know this substance as a murder weapon. Administered as potassium cyanide it reacts with the hydrogen chloride in the stomach to hydrogen cyanide and leads rapidly to a painful death.
In industry of course it is not manufactured to poison anybody, but is used in the galvanic business or in order to manufacture synthetic resins. Also the gold mining business uses it in the leaching process.
Detection of hydrogen cyanide
Hydrogen cyanide is very toxic, i. e. its alarm threshold value is very low. Therefore the detection of hydrogen cyanide requires very sensitive, specific and reliable sensing technology. Ompur Monitors offers different detectors for hydrogen cyanide: Monitox, Tracer, Statox 501, Statox 502, Statox 505 and Statox 560 with self – test.
Monitox plus
Das personenbezogene Gaswarngerät für jeden Einsatzzweck. Wirtschaftlich und zugleich leistungsstark
Ultrasensitiv und dabei spezifisch: Tracer, der Lecksuche für hochtoxische Gase
Statox 501
Misst brennbare Gase im Bereich 0-100 % UEG, gößere Kohlenwasserstoffmoleküle auch im ppm – Bereich.
Statox 502
Der Alleskönner in der Gasmesstechnik
Statox 505
Sicherheit auch im Fehlerfall durch SIL II Standard
Statox 560
Mehr Sicherheit und mehr Bedienerfreundlichkeit geht nicht!